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Ligonier Valley Writers
Annual Flash Fiction Contest

2023 will hold our 18th Annual Flash Fiction Contest.

The topic this year is Jack-O'-Lanterns

Short stories must be 1000 words or less.











Six winners will be chosen.

First Place ($50 prize)


Second Place ($25 prize)


Third Place ($15 prize)


and 3 Honorable Mentions


All six of the winning authors will receive a complimentary one-year membership in Ligonier Valley Writers, a professional edit of their stories, publication at the LVW website, and a chance to perform their winning story aloud at selected venues. The first, second, and third place winners will also receive cash prizes. 


First-round judges include published authors, Marge Burke, Linda Ciletti, and Ron Shafer.

Our final celebrity judge is Damian Dressick. 


Damian Dressick is a much-published author of flash and other fiction who has also taught flash fiction writing at the University of Pittsburgh and other universities. His flash fiction collection is called Fables of the Deconstruction (CLASH Books).

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